Anyone else suffering from Covid Fatigue? Some days like today I think I'll lose it. Here's a rant and hopefully some relatable situations. Enjoy!
By: Lisa Mailliard
A continuation of my family series. I've written, The Oldest, The Middle, The Youngest, and now The One and Only. What is unique about being an only child? This poem describes the special place thes...
This poem/ short story describes the unique responsibilities that come with being the oldest child. I picture this as a children's picture book that could be read to a first child with a sibling on th...
This is a poem about the unique position of the middle child in the family. I picture this as a children's picture book that can be read to a youngest child before a younger sibling arrives. I myself ...
This is a poem about being the youngest, but I picture it as a children's picture book that parents could read to their youngest to show them that even though you're the littlest, that may be the best...
Motherhood is hard. I hope this poem gives hope for those mothers out there like me who have teens and you think you'll never get through it. I for one hope for the day she looks at me and says, "Sorr...
What makes a family? How about when you have to blend with people very different from you? This is a reminder that we all have something to contribute and could surprised what you find in common.
The history books will forever expose those who were so afraid to lose their own prestige, they would sell themselves to devil Trump, while talking out of both sides of their mouths. Those who called...