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Over Acheiver Short Stories

Here are the top Over Acheiver short stories, fanfiction, poetry, and posts on Commaful, including topics like "horror", "thriller", and more.
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Murder my marvel(poetry/ve...
storystudios Gifted Writer
6 months ago
So I’ve always had a fear of failure… it’s horrible. The things my mind tells me about my skills keep me up at night and I think if I’m not perfect I’ll be a disappointment…so I put it into poetry… ho...

Murder my marvel(poetry/ve...
storystudios Gifted Writer
6 months ago
So I’ve always had a fear of failure… it’s horrible. The things my mind tells me about my skills keep me up at night and I think if I’m not perfect I’ll be a disappointment…so I put it into poetry… ho...