this took me several days to put together, and monthes to take all these photos. . please show some love. some misc. photos i have taken. really long. football (American) girls and boys soccer/footba...
This poem was inspired by a young man I met who loved golfing and insisted that everyone should try it at least once. This is meant to capture the parts of the pastime that he loved best.
Enter the world of Christopher P Jackson. Who's life was turned upside down when he found those letters one by one in his HS library. Will he meet the mysterious letter leaver? Will he get over his pa...
this took me several days to put together, and monthes to take all these photos. . please show some love. some misc. photos i have taken. really long. football (American) girls and boys soccer/footba...
This poem was inspired by a young man I met who loved golfing and insisted that everyone should try it at least once. This is meant to capture the parts of the pastime that he loved best.
Enter the world of Christopher P Jackson. Who's life was turned upside down when he found those letters one by one in his HS library. Will he meet the mysterious letter leaver? Will he get over his pa...