'Calm in the Way.' This poignant poem delves into the complexities of finding peace, battling inner demons, and the delicate dance between love and loneliness. A raw and introspective piece that touc...
'Lady, I'm Running.' Unveil the raw emotions of a soul grappling with hidden pain, trust issues, and the relentless pursuit of self-discovery. This heartfelt poem delves into the depths of inner strug...
'Calm in the Way.' This poignant poem delves into the complexities of finding peace, battling inner demons, and the delicate dance between love and loneliness. A raw and introspective piece that touc...
'Lady, I'm Running.' Unveil the raw emotions of a soul grappling with hidden pain, trust issues, and the relentless pursuit of self-discovery. This heartfelt poem delves into the depths of inner strug...