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Camp Nanowrimo Short Stories

Here are the top Camp Nanowrimo short stories, fanfiction, poetry, and posts on Commaful, including topics like "horror", "thriller", and more.
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All About Book One
anon Gifted Writer
8 years ago
Yes, Book One is the title. I have a real title for this book, but I don’t want to share that just yet.Summary: This book is all about being young and having friends. It centers around the friendships...

anon Gifted Writer
8 years ago
Midnight write-in last night was a success. Writing after work tonight, not so much. I settled for plotting out the next chapter so I can stew over it tonight. Going to make sure I remember by headpho...

All About Book One
anon Gifted Writer
8 years ago
Yes, Book One is the title. I have a real title for this book, but I don’t want to share that just yet.Summary: This book is all about being young and having friends. It centers around the friendships...

anon Gifted Writer
8 years ago
Midnight write-in last night was a success. Writing after work tonight, not so much. I settled for plotting out the next chapter so I can stew over it tonight. Going to make sure I remember by headpho...

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