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Also I Totally Got A Sword Which I Wanna Try And Use In Rituals Short Stories

Here are the top Also I Totally Got A Sword Which I Wanna Try And Use In Rituals short stories, fanfiction, poetry, and posts on Commaful, including topics like "horror", "thriller", and more.
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anon Gifted Writer
7 years ago
Being a baby witch:My magic is much different than “conventional” magic. I prefer not to use a wand, I keep one around just “in case” but I highly prefer to use my finger or hands instead. I focus mai...

anon Gifted Writer
7 years ago
Being a baby witch:My magic is much different than “conventional” magic. I prefer not to use a wand, I keep one around just “in case” but I highly prefer to use my finger or hands instead. I focus mai...