for the two thousand lights that hit that follow button.
i wanted to properly thank everyone for the support by writing a poem for this milestone. last time (for a thousand) i wrote one too. thank...
i don't usually shout out stories, because i'm lazy, but this one really captivated me some how (lol) and i really liked it!
makes me want to write some more..
sometimes asking is harder then telling.
ok, idk if people read the description [cause i never do]. but i thought i'd explain for those who read my stuff, i've been having a hard time for a lot ...
a thousand souls a thousand little souls watching my hand.
we hit 1k (1114 by now) and i wanted to thank you for that, it's amazing and mindblowing. it's been almost a year since i joined commafu...
this is the first time in a few months that i've returned here on commaful, i am absolutely gutted to here this.
bernard, you are and always be an amazing man. and i'll never forget yo...
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7 years ago
End Stage
7 years ago
You Are Not Weak
You're not weak if you're suicidal You are not weak if you almost jumped
Guess who's back, back again.
Lotus is back, tell a friend.
Or not.