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Wrote This Instead Of Sleeping Short Stories

Here are the top Wrote This Instead Of Sleeping short stories, fanfiction, poetry, and posts on Commaful, including topics like "horror", "thriller", and more.
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Halloween story competitio...
silverlilly Bronze Comma
4 years ago
I'm writing this starting at 11:09 pm. It's due at 11:59. So here this is (I'm tired, this isn't really supposed to be a legit entry... but why not give it a try? I've never done a short story... And ...

Halloween story competitio...
silverlilly Bronze Comma
4 years ago
I'm writing this starting at 11:09 pm. It's due at 11:59. So here this is (I'm tired, this isn't really supposed to be a legit entry... but why not give it a try? I've never done a short story... And ...