1916: British officer Robbie G is trapped in the muddy hellhole known as the Western Front. This selection of letters looks into his chaotic world and explores his methods of trying to keep sane. Litt...
This is a quickly thrown together concept for a story set in a fantasy Great War. The story follows a group of shock troopers as they undertake a trench raid. Its very rushed, but as I said it's just ...
I've always been impressed by war literature: Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfried Owen, Robert Graves etc. so I decided to write a poem that is likewise supposed to expressed the absurdity and horror of war. ...
Here ancient grenades sit like old rocks and heaps of bullets everywhere like skipping stones.
Hiding in the sepia forest are nymphs in khaki and grey. (Art by me! :D)
1916: British officer Robbie G is trapped in the muddy hellhole known as the Western Front. This selection of letters looks into his chaotic world and explores his methods of trying to keep sane. Litt...
This is a quickly thrown together concept for a story set in a fantasy Great War. The story follows a group of shock troopers as they undertake a trench raid. Its very rushed, but as I said it's just ...
I've always been impressed by war literature: Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfried Owen, Robert Graves etc. so I decided to write a poem that is likewise supposed to expressed the absurdity and horror of war. ...
Here ancient grenades sit like old rocks and heaps of bullets everywhere like skipping stones.
Hiding in the sepia forest are nymphs in khaki and grey. (Art by me! :D)