On a mission to a Hydra base, Tony Stark comes across a 'little' problem in the form of a boy named Peter who once was a normal teenager. Now, the size of Tony's thumb, the boy has a hard life ahead o...
"Hey Pepper," Sam's voice called from the library as the woman passed. "Got a minute?" "Sorry, I don't. Do you want me to send someone else?" She stopped, thinking nothing of it when the man started w...
On a mission to a Hydra base, Tony Stark comes across a 'little' problem in the form of a boy named Peter who once was a normal teenager. Now, the size of Tony's thumb, the boy has a hard life ahead o...
"Hey Pepper," Sam's voice called from the library as the woman passed. "Got a minute?" "Sorry, I don't. Do you want me to send someone else?" She stopped, thinking nothing of it when the man started w...