They called my name and I stood on shaking legs, walking to the door. They held it open for me and for the first time in three years, I stepped out of the small, dingy room which had been home. They s...
The morning felt the same as any other, the same aches, pains and smells, but when I grew coherent, there were shouts and bangs which were different from the usual din. The door swung open and a guard...
Two months into the sentence, what I had been dreading finally came. He woke me, in the middle of the night. Told me to keep my mouth shut, or he'd shut it permanently. I rather liked my mouth and the...
They called my name and I stood on shaking legs, walking to the door. They held it open for me and for the first time in three years, I stepped out of the small, dingy room which had been home. They s...
The morning felt the same as any other, the same aches, pains and smells, but when I grew coherent, there were shouts and bangs which were different from the usual din. The door swung open and a guard...
Two months into the sentence, what I had been dreading finally came. He woke me, in the middle of the night. Told me to keep my mouth shut, or he'd shut it permanently. I rather liked my mouth and the...