Walking the tightropeSteady on the curb’s edgeAvoiding sidewalk strollersSlow motion talkersRoaming the streets. Isolated loners wiredHanging off ear drumsFrantic while standingWaiting for the lit sig...
Chapter 1 - The Girl Inside The Giant Egg Sammy found her within the depths of the mountain, deep inside a tunnel he had no business being in. She was asleep, inside an egg made of glass. Olden glyphs...
blued misty traces in our faces wide and sorry,the Clown’s antipodal merry break inside piercingsof a brain beside hearts naive, numbered to only two,timely, hardly real, a ticking rift in a watered-d...
such sweetness/ nectar, dripping honey/ my love/ my sun on the waves/ the heat of your breath/ the shine of foreveryou, close/ you, closer/ we combine/ our lips against tooth/ tongue on the roof of ou...
Walking the tightropeSteady on the curb’s edgeAvoiding sidewalk strollersSlow motion talkersRoaming the streets. Isolated loners wiredHanging off ear drumsFrantic while standingWaiting for the lit sig...
Chapter 1 - The Girl Inside The Giant Egg Sammy found her within the depths of the mountain, deep inside a tunnel he had no business being in. She was asleep, inside an egg made of glass. Olden glyphs...
blued misty traces in our faces wide and sorry,the Clown’s antipodal merry break inside piercingsof a brain beside hearts naive, numbered to only two,timely, hardly real, a ticking rift in a watered-d...
such sweetness/ nectar, dripping honey/ my love/ my sun on the waves/ the heat of your breath/ the shine of foreveryou, close/ you, closer/ we combine/ our lips against tooth/ tongue on the roof of ou...