As a child, Yuugi, a kind young man with a kind and gentle heart, lived a peaceful life, met Yukiko, a young woman who had no memories about her past or who she was and became great friends. Both have...
Atem is your boyfriend and is very protective of you. He protects you from bullies, and always walks you home. But when a new man comes in the school and flirts with you, his love and protection incre...
As a child, Yuugi, a kind young man with a kind and gentle heart, lived a peaceful life, met Yukiko, a young woman who had no memories about her past or who she was and became great friends. Both have...
Atem is your boyfriend and is very protective of you. He protects you from bullies, and always walks you home. But when a new man comes in the school and flirts with you, his love and protection incre...