Do you also have this extreme fear of trusting others? 🤎 A part of Phobic Collab (Poetry Form: Trijan Refrain)
#4 in my Phobia Series, (I have no idea how long this will go on for. :P) A veryyy short piece on 'pistanthrophobia' and love. (No, not the fear of pistachios, I assure you.) Written whilst listening ...
Do you also have this extreme fear of trusting others? 🤎 A part of Phobic Collab (Poetry Form: Trijan Refrain)
#4 in my Phobia Series, (I have no idea how long this will go on for. :P) A veryyy short piece on 'pistanthrophobia' and love. (No, not the fear of pistachios, I assure you.) Written whilst listening ...