Here are the top Oliver Queen Preference short stories, fanfiction, poetry, and posts on Commaful, including topics like "horror", "thriller", and more.
summary : Y/N makes Oliver mad by making it seem like she was flirting with another man. word count : idc bc its a drabble
By dr0wning-in-hell on tumblr
Christmas Tree - Oliver Queen Summary : Your best friend (and crush) Oliver walks in on you decorating his apartment for Christmas and is very happy with what you did with the place.
By dr0wning-in-h...
summary : Y/N makes Oliver mad by making it seem like she was flirting with another man. word count : idc bc its a drabble
By dr0wning-in-hell on tumblr
Christmas Tree - Oliver Queen Summary : Your best friend (and crush) Oliver walks in on you decorating his apartment for Christmas and is very happy with what you did with the place.
By dr0wning-in-h...