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Nvm Idek What This Is Short Stories

Here are the top Nvm Idek What This Is short stories, fanfiction, poetry, and posts on Commaful, including topics like "horror", "thriller", and more.
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krishna_26 Gifted Writer
4 years ago
This is what I wish to tell my school friends, how the past year has been for me. April of 2020 was the last time i saw them...and never again, i hope all my friends haven't forgotten i exist.

πšƒΜ³π™·Μ³π™΄Μ³ π™»Μ³π™°Μ³πš‚Μ³πšƒΜ³ πšƒΜ³...
krishna_26 Gifted Writer
4 years ago
This is what I wish to tell my school friends, how the past year has been for me. April of 2020 was the last time i saw them...and never again, i hope all my friends haven't forgotten i exist.