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Ludus Short Stories

Here are the top Ludus short stories, fanfiction, poetry, and posts on Commaful, including topics like "horror", "thriller", and more.
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♡ 𝑯 𝑼 𝑩 𝑹 𝑰 𝑺♡
maddie_hatter Gifted Writer
4 years ago
A free form poem dedicated to my crush. Full of Greek mythology references because I’m a nerd who still believes in the ideal of courtly love 😂 How I wish I could be your Sappho, girl... Thanks so...

♡ 𝑯 𝑼 𝑩 𝑹 𝑰 𝑺♡
maddie_hatter Gifted Writer
4 years ago
A free form poem dedicated to my crush. Full of Greek mythology references because I’m a nerd who still believes in the ideal of courtly love 😂 How I wish I could be your Sappho, girl... Thanks so...