1916: British officer Robbie G is trapped in the muddy hellhole known as the Western Front. This selection of letters looks into his chaotic world and explores his methods of trying to keep sane. Litt...
Flash Fiction Prompt 5: “Write the same story three times. Keep some elements the same, but also change things in each version that take the story in a new direction.”
Same time, in a different univ...
Chapter two of an intertwining plot featuring the Genshin Impact character pairings of Jean/Sucrose and Xingqiu/Albedo. This chapter is from Albedo's perspective.
1916: British officer Robbie G is trapped in the muddy hellhole known as the Western Front. This selection of letters looks into his chaotic world and explores his methods of trying to keep sane. Litt...
Flash Fiction Prompt 5: “Write the same story three times. Keep some elements the same, but also change things in each version that take the story in a new direction.”
Same time, in a different univ...
Chapter two of an intertwining plot featuring the Genshin Impact character pairings of Jean/Sucrose and Xingqiu/Albedo. This chapter is from Albedo's perspective.