1. Not everything you read on the Internet is fact. 2. Just… Don’t do charms. Better to avoid them.
By corpse-party-thoughts https://corpse-party-thoughts.tumblr.com/post/164134459303/a-few-life-lesso...
Midnight write-in last night was a success. Writing after work tonight, not so much. I settled for plotting out the next chapter so I can stew over it tonight. Going to make sure I remember by headpho...
Olivia Nguyen were just about normal as you'd expect. A 14-year-old girl in a still developing country, stuck between her schedule and her social life,
1. Not everything you read on the Internet is fact. 2. Just… Don’t do charms. Better to avoid them.
By corpse-party-thoughts https://corpse-party-thoughts.tumblr.com/post/164134459303/a-few-life-lesso...
Midnight write-in last night was a success. Writing after work tonight, not so much. I settled for plotting out the next chapter so I can stew over it tonight. Going to make sure I remember by headpho...
Olivia Nguyen were just about normal as you'd expect. A 14-year-old girl in a still developing country, stuck between her schedule and her social life,