A collab with my starlight @Pabodanirmani (she'll post part two later tonight) about how all it takes to change a life is a little push in the right direction. Something that even the smallest stars o...
this is the worst feeling. Being numb to all things. Feeling like the world doesn't give a shit. Like you are in a coma of depression. Life is hard for teenagers, and this fucking virus doesn't help t...
A collab with my starlight @Pabodanirmani (she'll post part two later tonight) about how all it takes to change a life is a little push in the right direction. Something that even the smallest stars o...
this is the worst feeling. Being numb to all things. Feeling like the world doesn't give a shit. Like you are in a coma of depression. Life is hard for teenagers, and this fucking virus doesn't help t...