In this chapter of Marvel's Renegades, Ernn Christopher Jackson, a young Hispanic and Black kid, and Elise Hope Reeves, a white and wealthy girl, see themselves managing to confront their personal pro...
AT THE SAMETIME... On the sidewalk of one of the neighborhoods of South Baltimore, Ernn is awaiting for a friend when suddenly a black two thousand and twelve Dodge Charger with tinted windows stops n...
In the third chapter of Marvel's Renegades, Kara finds herself lost in a mysterious, bizarre place with no memories of how she got there. Eventually, she finds a strange man who asks for help with a p...
In this chapter of Marvel's Renegades, Ernn Christopher Jackson, a young Hispanic and Black kid, and Elise Hope Reeves, a white and wealthy girl, see themselves managing to confront their personal pro...
AT THE SAMETIME... On the sidewalk of one of the neighborhoods of South Baltimore, Ernn is awaiting for a friend when suddenly a black two thousand and twelve Dodge Charger with tinted windows stops n...
In the third chapter of Marvel's Renegades, Kara finds herself lost in a mysterious, bizarre place with no memories of how she got there. Eventually, she finds a strange man who asks for help with a p...