I was in the belly of the ship. Great big vats of water were being boiled. The steam was rising in the air and turning shiny turbines. The turbines were spinning a motor round and round. And so on...
When we had chickens a few years ago we had this humongous hen. She always laid really big eggs. Well one day she laid two eggs. But each of the eggs were really big big for her even. So we crack them...
I was in the belly of the ship. Great big vats of water were being boiled. The steam was rising in the air and turning shiny turbines. The turbines were spinning a motor round and round. And so on...
When we had chickens a few years ago we had this humongous hen. She always laid really big eggs. Well one day she laid two eggs. But each of the eggs were really big big for her even. So we crack them...