| Temporary.|
Needed an outlet to display my poems. More are to come. Please don’t be afraid to follow, and message with questions or your idea of what it may mean.
I admire her beauty, the pretty eyes and cute smile. In her eyes a look of worry, as she cares more than she should. Not about me though, I can't seem to catch her eye. Though before she treated me wi...
I feel like I'm not in touch with myself. Sometimes when you go through things you hurt people without realizing. I'm sorry y'all... Once upon a time, vulnerability has cost me the spirit of reje...
| Temporary.|
Needed an outlet to display my poems. More are to come. Please don’t be afraid to follow, and message with questions or your idea of what it may mean.
I admire her beauty, the pretty eyes and cute smile. In her eyes a look of worry, as she cares more than she should. Not about me though, I can't seem to catch her eye. Though before she treated me wi...
I feel like I'm not in touch with myself. Sometimes when you go through things you hurt people without realizing. I'm sorry y'all... Once upon a time, vulnerability has cost me the spirit of reje...