"Abyss of Addiction" is a poem by Max Burchett that delves into the harrowing world of substance abuse and its devastating consequences. It paints the grim picture of our society where poisons masquer...
“Good Day” is a poem by Max Burchett that introduces the concept of a new holiday, referred to as “Good Day," that is being promoted as a national day “for doing a little extra good." This proposed na...
The poem “Glory to the Departed” by Max Burchett is a reflective poem on the theme of freedom and the sacrifices of those who have fought to secure and maintain freedom. The poem is told from the voic...
"Abyss of Addiction" is a poem by Max Burchett that delves into the harrowing world of substance abuse and its devastating consequences. It paints the grim picture of our society where poisons masquer...
“Good Day” is a poem by Max Burchett that introduces the concept of a new holiday, referred to as “Good Day," that is being promoted as a national day “for doing a little extra good." This proposed na...
The poem “Glory to the Departed” by Max Burchett is a reflective poem on the theme of freedom and the sacrifices of those who have fought to secure and maintain freedom. The poem is told from the voic...