Lies surrounded my whole life...
The only thing true was my heart...
My love for Felix and his for me...
This love lasted all tests of time and pain...
...It was pretty dark, and oddly enough I could hear many droplets coming from the next corner of the tunnel, so I kept going in that direction until I turned the next corner and I saw...
Did Eren just…get eaten by that titan…What the hell…What the hell are we even doing?? Becoming titan food one by one…Angry tears are sliding down my face. - For the love of God, Armin! Why are you jus...
- Don't let a bunch of abnormals get the best of you! Since they're so keen on climbing, let's throw them down on their asses! Even his brave words didn't change the fact that Squad Leader Mike was qu...
Lies surrounded my whole life...
The only thing true was my heart...
My love for Felix and his for me...
This love lasted all tests of time and pain...
...It was pretty dark, and oddly enough I could hear many droplets coming from the next corner of the tunnel, so I kept going in that direction until I turned the next corner and I saw...
Did Eren just…get eaten by that titan…What the hell…What the hell are we even doing?? Becoming titan food one by one…Angry tears are sliding down my face. - For the love of God, Armin! Why are you jus...
- Don't let a bunch of abnormals get the best of you! Since they're so keen on climbing, let's throw them down on their asses! Even his brave words didn't change the fact that Squad Leader Mike was qu...