Moondance, Moondance, I kept this dance a secret cause it’s only to be used during nights in Houston so stand at a distance between two canyons and watch the stars spin as your body begins dancing to
And you, to whom adversity has dealt the final blow
With smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go
Turn to, and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain
And like the Mary Ellen Carte...
I don’t know if it was that amplifier t-shirt but the tension between us was undoubtably amplifying. At that time we had started leaving the studio together when we where done for the night.
By k9wr...
Moondance, Moondance, I kept this dance a secret cause it’s only to be used during nights in Houston so stand at a distance between two canyons and watch the stars spin as your body begins dancing to
And you, to whom adversity has dealt the final blow
With smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go
Turn to, and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain
And like the Mary Ellen Carte...
I don’t know if it was that amplifier t-shirt but the tension between us was undoubtably amplifying. At that time we had started leaving the studio together when we where done for the night.
By k9wr...