Chapter 3: Going to a press conference: After Kamilla cleared all the lies and rumors her former label is forcing her to go to a press conference, will it all go bad or run smoothly in chapter 4?
Vava King-Saetang. Is Thai-American dancer Born in Chinatown New York. But was raised in Trenton, New Jersey. After she got accepted as one of the dancers for ALDC. She goes through the thin line to g...
Beginning of Kamilla Story. After being departing from the group. She stays with Jay Park for a while until she goes back to Venezuela. She gets into dating rumors with Former member of 2pm Jay park. ...
Kamilla don't come off from a well or stand off family. As the country she came off from is in a crisis. She get picked on and harassed by her group mates. Except for one who knows but never experienc...