Twenty Entertaining Memes For Those Who Are Bored Silly
We get it, you're just here for the memes. You don't actually care what we have to say here. But if you are by chance actually reading this, then we hope you have a wonderful day!
Wholesome Animal Posts For Those Deprived Of Cute Content
Do you love animals? Of course you do because only psychos don't like animals. As is such, please have some adorably wholesome content, because lord knows we could all use more of that.
[Requested by @comradenikolai4] Look, we know that not everything the West says about Russia is true - We know you all don't go around yelling "сука блять" at everyone while wearing Adidas tracksuits ...
Random Memes To Ease The Way Into Another Week Of Hell
As the weekend comes to a close, we can't help but fear the week to come. If it's anything like the many weeks of the past few months of 2020, it'll probably be very unpleasant. It's good to prepare y...
Sometimes you just need a little break, something to relax with. While memes aren't always exactly relaxing, they can keep you entertained! Here are twelve memes to make you un-bored.
Random Memes To Browse Through Using Your Last Two Brain Cells
When you're bored out of your mind, sometimes the only thing that will cure you is memes. And lucky for you, we've got all that below, so get scrollin' right away!
Lockdown has made some of us depressed, while others have anxiety that's going through the roof. Everyone deals with things a little differently, and that's okay. We just want you to know that you're ...