wishing you all well for the last time, here i go, plunging into whatever the world throws at me, if you'd like to stay in touch, I've attached my socials in the story.
I'm just curious if anyone can. If you succeed, maybe I'll write you a writing prompt, or something like that. (Please keep in mind my relationship status before committing to this. /hj)
I wrote the first half of this when I was losing it, and then the secondary half I wrote as almost a promise to myself. I mean it, recovery isn't linear. There will always be ups and downs when you're...
MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING - DEPICTED SELF HARM. -- I dunno. I wrote this as a spit write, and I'm just trying to channel my emotions before I allow them to topple over again.
Dear, you, The real you.
I wrote this awhile back for a creative writing course I took, and decided to share it. I hope it touches people in the way I intended it to.