Fuck you current society. As an older person who has lived in many other decades, the current society sucks big time. Why? Because money and profit is NUMBER ONE period. Fuck the customer, there ar...
Long ago...the scene...a driver of a horse and carriage picks up his lady fare on a rainy night...is he in love with her? Is she in love with him? Yes love happened a long time ago too... Waiting he...
Sympathy is not Empathy. Real Sympathy (not phony sympathy) is you hear someone lost their job for example. You feel sorry for them, 'that's awful', a bad thing, and perhaps you maybe do something ...
"Waaahk! Waaaahk! Mommy! Daddy! I don't want to go in that cold water! My feet will get cold!" Basil's parents had heard this same thing over and over since he was just a baby duckling.