The story revolves around a protagonist named Kim Chul who is living with a family full of special agents & the events he has to face in his life because of these reasons. Will Kim Chul be surprised t...
imagine being from an influential family and being watched every second. but what if you change your identity for good? for everyday living. this is a story of a girl Naina who has made a deal with he...
Rachel's life came to a screeching halt when someone broke into her house and took her life when she was asleep. But fate must have taken a liking to her and granted her a second chance. In her new bo...
The story revolves around a protagonist named Kim Chul who is living with a family full of special agents & the events he has to face in his life because of these reasons. Will Kim Chul be surprised t...
imagine being from an influential family and being watched every second. but what if you change your identity for good? for everyday living. this is a story of a girl Naina who has made a deal with he...
Rachel's life came to a screeching halt when someone broke into her house and took her life when she was asleep. But fate must have taken a liking to her and granted her a second chance. In her new bo...