"Explore the enchanting journey of two childhood friends who, after a five-year separation, find their way back to each other's hearts. Their love story is a rollercoaster of emotions, challenges, and...
a teenage girl who suffers from adhd moves to a whole new neighborhood where the portrayal of society cannot accept her disorder. because of this, she encounters numerous problems that will change her...
This is a poem i wrote at 1am
I hope you like it
Itβs about a boy iβve been talking with for about 5 months
and iβm not sure where we stand, or how this is going to turn out
but iβll let you know ...
So many things seem to be same
Since the time we met
Maybe it's just us
Thinking up in our minds
I remember those
Time struck moments
Staring at each other with no care of others
And I love
The f...
Life is short. Enjoy it in the way you like and never care about others opinion because you will lose your happiness in the way. As David lcke said~ "The greatest prison people live in is the fear of ...
"Explore the enchanting journey of two childhood friends who, after a five-year separation, find their way back to each other's hearts. Their love story is a rollercoaster of emotions, challenges, and...
a teenage girl who suffers from adhd moves to a whole new neighborhood where the portrayal of society cannot accept her disorder. because of this, she encounters numerous problems that will change her...
This is a poem i wrote at 1am
I hope you like it
Itβs about a boy iβve been talking with for about 5 months
and iβm not sure where we stand, or how this is going to turn out
but iβll let you know ...
So many things seem to be same
Since the time we met
Maybe it's just us
Thinking up in our minds
I remember those
Time struck moments
Staring at each other with no care of others
And I love
The f...
Life is short. Enjoy it in the way you like and never care about others opinion because you will lose your happiness in the way. As David lcke said~ "The greatest prison people live in is the fear of ...