There is nothing I should need to tell. You look at me with a daunting gaze
A Terza rima with a 'double barrelled' rhyming couplet finish.
About mocking someone who you don't know.
The mountain was laughing at me. A mocking laugh, insulting, and derogatory. I spent more and more of my days staring at it from afar in my home, seething. Somehow in spite of my anger and embarrassme...
There is nothing I should need to tell. You look at me with a daunting gaze
A Terza rima with a 'double barrelled' rhyming couplet finish.
About mocking someone who you don't know.
The mountain was laughing at me. A mocking laugh, insulting, and derogatory. I spent more and more of my days staring at it from afar in my home, seething. Somehow in spite of my anger and embarrassme...