Here are the top Human Trafficking short stories, fanfiction, poetry, and posts on Commaful, including topics like "human trafficking", "sold", and more.
The Tragic Reality of Human Trafficking: Human trafficking is one of the most devastating and tragic crimes in our world today. Defined as the exploitation of another person through forced labor or co...
In 2018 I was kidnapped and Tortured. Sold like a piece of property this is to the ones who looked the other way and purchased me the ones that are the reason these people still do this.
A letter in poetry form to Allah SWT when I was in the thick of my MDS journey, sharing some feelings like Allah forgetting about me, me forgetting about Allah, feeling unsure, and wanting Allah in my...
Hank and well do we really know our spouse? When extraordinary events occur, Katharine finds out that her "ordinary husband" isn't that ordinary. Hank has guarded his past carefully ...
This piece is about what it's like to have PTSD living in a MDS (modern-day slavery) situation and wishing the nightmares were the worst part about it. I was never physically abused, but emotionally, ...
The Tragic Reality of Human Trafficking: Human trafficking is one of the most devastating and tragic crimes in our world today. Defined as the exploitation of another person through forced labor or co...
In 2018 I was kidnapped and Tortured. Sold like a piece of property this is to the ones who looked the other way and purchased me the ones that are the reason these people still do this.
A letter in poetry form to Allah SWT when I was in the thick of my MDS journey, sharing some feelings like Allah forgetting about me, me forgetting about Allah, feeling unsure, and wanting Allah in my...
Hank and well do we really know our spouse? When extraordinary events occur, Katharine finds out that her "ordinary husband" isn't that ordinary. Hank has guarded his past carefully ...
This piece is about what it's like to have PTSD living in a MDS (modern-day slavery) situation and wishing the nightmares were the worst part about it. I was never physically abused, but emotionally, ...