This poem is written on the occasion of going to a trek amongst the hills of India, where for the first time it was possible for me to take a picture of a butterfly, sitting on a leaf, without blurrin...
Balmy sways of emerald brushes
Surreal backdrop in aquamarine
Entrancing glints of quartz palette
Emotive surpluses in aventurine
Peaking gaze of amber eye
Sublime canvas in earthen gems
Sprouting free
Leaves of glee
Petals gleam
Hues of tease
Roaming buzz
Hum of wind
Gifted touch
Buds of green
Palely shy
Blooms of white
Spotted cheeks
Youth of seeds
Tender blush
Hearts of sweet
This poem is written on the occasion of going to a trek amongst the hills of India, where for the first time it was possible for me to take a picture of a butterfly, sitting on a leaf, without blurrin...
Balmy sways of emerald brushes
Surreal backdrop in aquamarine
Entrancing glints of quartz palette
Emotive surpluses in aventurine
Peaking gaze of amber eye
Sublime canvas in earthen gems
Sprouting free
Leaves of glee
Petals gleam
Hues of tease
Roaming buzz
Hum of wind
Gifted touch
Buds of green
Palely shy
Blooms of white
Spotted cheeks
Youth of seeds
Tender blush
Hearts of sweet