For today's "Engaged" Prompt. Inspired by one of my favorite songs called "Invisible String" about fate tying two people together. This is my version of how the dots came together to bring me the love...
The first entry in my poetry series "How We Came to be Human" which explores my fictional version of our origin. I felt it fitting to begin with Father Time himself.
A poem about how I am glad I did not get engaged to my past partners, and the poem is centred around one ex in particular who wanted a different life to me.
A retired soldier anxiously waits to meet the wife he picked from a long, detailed catalog. He fought in a war for her home planet, a place with endless resources but no army of its own. She is the pa...
For today's "Engaged" Prompt. Inspired by one of my favorite songs called "Invisible String" about fate tying two people together. This is my version of how the dots came together to bring me the love...
The first entry in my poetry series "How We Came to be Human" which explores my fictional version of our origin. I felt it fitting to begin with Father Time himself.
A poem about how I am glad I did not get engaged to my past partners, and the poem is centred around one ex in particular who wanted a different life to me.
A retired soldier anxiously waits to meet the wife he picked from a long, detailed catalog. He fought in a war for her home planet, a place with endless resources but no army of its own. She is the pa...