A train of thoughts lead me to ramble about the stuck trains of society wandering is I'm the only one that feels sick from the solitude freedom gives 🤮💩🐍🐀🦢🔇
La sociedad industrializada se transforma y con ella, nuevas formas de dominación, ¿acaso la libertad de los individuos está regulada como una de ellas?
One-dimensional man de H. Marcuse y su presente...
Writing Prompt Day 3
Rhyming poem about the disparity of corporate employment.
I don't feel good and I am so tired :( so this isn't my best but I did't want to miss a day
Why people are refusing to wear a Face Mask?
It's interesting how humanity root its "freedom" in a mask
Refusing to wear masks will set your “mouth” and “nose” free
What about your thoughts?
History is a rolling ball, isn't it? Returning to the same point of contact, seemingly going forward but only reappearing endlessly like a passively moving sphere around itself... 😐⏳🌕🌘🌖🌗🌔🌒🌑�...
The media spectacle has become the god of the new age, thanks to capitalism. All was prophesied long ago, when we entered into the New Aeon of Horus—the Egyptian god of child-worship.
A train of thoughts lead me to ramble about the stuck trains of society wandering is I'm the only one that feels sick from the solitude freedom gives 🤮💩🐍🐀🦢🔇
La sociedad industrializada se transforma y con ella, nuevas formas de dominación, ¿acaso la libertad de los individuos está regulada como una de ellas?
One-dimensional man de H. Marcuse y su presente...
Writing Prompt Day 3
Rhyming poem about the disparity of corporate employment.
I don't feel good and I am so tired :( so this isn't my best but I did't want to miss a day
Why people are refusing to wear a Face Mask?
It's interesting how humanity root its "freedom" in a mask
Refusing to wear masks will set your “mouth” and “nose” free
What about your thoughts?
History is a rolling ball, isn't it? Returning to the same point of contact, seemingly going forward but only reappearing endlessly like a passively moving sphere around itself... 😐⏳🌕🌘🌖🌗🌔🌒🌑�...
The media spectacle has become the god of the new age, thanks to capitalism. All was prophesied long ago, when we entered into the New Aeon of Horus—the Egyptian god of child-worship.