minyoongi1993bt Gifted Writer
Jorden . 7 months ago
Guys... Please read this. It describes a lot of why I wanted to start writing and also of the narcissistic abilities that can be displayed throughout that relationship but then you ignore the red flags because you love that person so damn much and then eventually you start to break down, deteriorate, and then boom! You're gone because they finally pulled you under all of their lies and they start to finally drown you in the darkness of their mind and take out everything on you, blame everything on you, when they brought everything that they went through upon themselves. We need to start spreading awareness about narcissism and the abuse that people go through everyday, yet they are too scared to stand up and say something. Let's make abuse and narcissism something that comes to the front of our minds when we say that this world needs to become a better place, and this is where we can start.
minyoongi1993bt Gifted Writer
Poems- . 2 years ago
March 22, 2018