Lily's Club CEO . 2 years ago
The day is here: Saturday! I didn't get any volunteers for writing this week's story. Do I have any last-minute volunteers? Someone must volunteer and complete the story by Monday. Anyone who volunteers receives my gratitude...and a shoutout! If anyone is already working on the story but didn't volunteer, please volunteer next time. I'm not sure who is making the story if you do not volunteer! Please link your project to THIS SHOUTOUT so I can find it easily! It has also come to my attention that school may be preventing you from logging on to Commaful on weekdays. If you are homeschooled or are allowed electronics after doing your homework, please show your support and continue with Lily's Club! Also, if you really don't want to continue Lily's Club, unfollow me. P.S. If you want to be a member of Lily's Club, you follow THIS account. Following @LilyMcKenna11 doesn't affect whether you are in the club or not! 😁 - Lily's Club CEO
Lily's Club CEO . 2 years ago
Idea Vault