friedchicken Gifted Writer
F. Chicken . 6 years ago
I'm going to print this in comic sans on a big piece of cardboard and walk around town holding it high af. This is so, so important. So, so, necessary. Whoever says *motherfucka voice* "Oh, BuT ShE wAs AsKiNg FoR It" I'm going to fiercely grab with my chicken claws and hammer their forehead against my phone to pass each slide from this masterpiece. I'm trying not to swear, but holy fuckin shit. Bitch. I didn't know I had so many wigs in the first place for you to SNATCH. Not mad at all, tho.
weeklybrent Gifted Writer
// anastasia // . 6 years ago
// ode to the burglar who steals souvenirs from places he has trespassed in //