The Solemn Pledge In deep space― I will not jump off the ledge. Blood waits― to anoint your forehead for a final call. Memory crawls― slithering, to feel the sacred shroud.

Stories We Think You'll Love

Nostalgia of Pains

The itch persists. I
want to stay at-large to protect
myself in the infant sensuality.

I remember my poverty
daily to become rich. Why did you
remove your wounds? stories

satishverma Commaful Star
a year ago

Two makes Three

The words are dancing.
Ego changes many faces, but
no shadow follows, where you go.

This happens love
becomes a panic. I cannot touch you.
Why have I lost my pen? stories

satishverma Commaful Star
a year ago

Whom I Dispel

It was not an orb
processing a moon. A spider measures
the length of the distant fly,

I have asked nothing.
The torch wants a pure vision.
Death will not come easy. stories

satishverma Commaful Star
a year ago

Everything is Naked

Not fragile, I always
move forward. Theologically, I
will prove who looks behind me.

I remember you. The
morning is still dark. The dust still
covers our peers in the storm. stories

satishverma Commaful Star
a year ago

Did you Meet an Antiman?

You want to make the
pain happy? Like Gestapo you had
picked me. My half-poem becomes the antimatter.

Where has the sensuality gone
in the rose garden? Who was the changer?
What now honeybees are coming? stories

satishverma Commaful Star
a year ago

How to Make you Happy?

I don't think about
myself, and try to rip off the meaning
of suffering in the interest of love.

I won't listen to the
voice of painful howling of two hounds
near the cemetry. Do they predict the holocaust? stories

satishverma Commaful Star
a year ago

Weighing the Coins

In a rose garden
What you were searching for me alone?
Metamorphosis? Grief will come again.

You cannot compete
with immortal pain. What was
your place in the Milky Way? stories

satishverma Commaful Star
a year ago

Walking on Wetland

What a dream? I
am not a beau, a poet. Trying to
become a genius, a part of god.

The pain was in my
eyes. Why do I want to reach
the moon to see infinity? stories

satishverma Commaful Star
a year ago