It brings me both comfort and pain to know that I’m not in this alone.
Depression slowly creeping up on me, injecting itself into places where it doesn’t belong...
Thrill of the Illicit...
The thrill...and the chill it sends down my spine, trickling down my behind until it reaches my toes...
Woman to woman...
I know, like she knows, this is said to be forbidden. Wrong according to customs but it feels soo right....
Pretty got me the job, without him even checking for my qualifications. & I wasn’t qualified; just needed the money, so Pretty made him practice patience.
Pretty made him focus on me, I was a fast learner so Pretty got a raise. The job could be tough,...
You have always been enough... I’m sorry what you’ve been through made you believe otherwise. I’m sorry that 17 year old you can’t see yourself through 27’s eyes. I’m sorry that you were molested as a child and haven’t quite healed from the experience....
I hate that when we fight, before it begins I lose.
Your gloves come off, your going off, while silence is the weapon I choose.
I don't want to fight, okay, your right! I'll say anything to make it better, because I remember going in, that in the end...
Sometimes arguments go to far. Watch your words. Its supposed to be you and your mate against the problem. Not YOU against them.