This story is true. Or as true as my memory, not as true as north or a perfect square, but will have to do. As a child it was easy for my eyes to see the approbation showered on those that worked i...
This body does not seem as young as it used to, it appears to have been injured in the night. I part the lids of my blurry eyes, I am awake, or as awake as I ever have ever been. What is this day?...
As I lie on a the rough cold ground, next to a smoldering fire and gaze at the celestial sphere of our night sky, I wonder... is there an advanced life out there among the stars of that endless sky? M...
We are not from earth, we are earth. We do not come into the universe, we come out of the universe. The DNA of my ancestors lies both in man and tree, baboon and bacteria, sloth and shark, dog, pig, c...