Your Sovereign Trust
Lord I’ve tried and tried,
I’ve bluffed and bluffed,
Though the loathsomeness of the anxiety,
Which I tried to take control of,
I thought I could take it all on my own,
Nevertheless it broke me down Oh Lord,
I’m beaten,
The great Jupiter and the north star, Planets in space ever so far, singing with voices of the winged ones, The nerves racking of the demons, There ears steaming because of the coming, Lucifer is des...
The Keener side of blue, Cyan a swishing blue with a honey drop of green, That I love, do you? Awe Cyan what a charming scene, I the Cyan admirer, If a man found a stone of Cyan color, Of that I would...
This photo is of me and my Grandmother, I always loved her I could not ask for another, Back when I was little, When I danced more than a fiddle, Those years about five I believe, I would, Beg mom t...
Awe the stage of my life, Inside the church the, the Father's wife, As the lights ignite, So does your adventure at first sight, As you step on the stage, Starting with a fresh page, You look toward t...
A True Fathers Gift Our Father's prize,
is more beautiful than the crimson sunrise.
More stunning then the morning fog of the
diamond color,
Into the abyss your mind goes trying to contemplate his wonder,
We go mad thinking why humans?