The day has arrived. She was now officially unemployed. She quit her job to pursue her dreams as a musician but no one ever called. It was not yet that bad, because officially the school year ends wit...
The pain woke her up. She tried to remember what happened last night but as much as she tried, everything went blurry after she left the house-warming party for a quick breather. And yet she was in he...
So that was probably it when it came to her brand new relationship that has not even become a real one yet. She kept running as she felt the tears coming. "Oh come on man, get a grip, at least it happ...
Charlie picked her up at 7. He was looking different this time, his eyes were bright and his face glowing with excitement. She smiled involuntarily. A quick kiss on the cheek and they were on their wa...
When thinking about what happened during her last date with Charlie, Mary had to face her own lack of feelings. She just couldn't be the hypocrite accusing a decent guy of not having any while she her...
"Hey! I'm sorry for not getting back to you earlier, my mind was somewhere else. I'll explain when we meet. And yes to 10xMore! I googled it and will pick you up at 4 so we could go eat something and ...
After thinking about Charlie for almost 48 hours straight, Mary decided to text him for explanation. She found herself blaming him for being the weird one when she was actually the one being weirdly s...
Mary was confused. Charlie seemed like a decent guy - positive, smiling, talkative (maybe a bit too talkative), well-behaved and definitely interesting and worth meeting again. But she didn't feel tha...