Title: Devil Dancer By: Bruce Hackmann

Title: Devil Dancer By: Bruce Hackmann

Dealing with a pathological lier 

Stories We Think You'll Love

            Title: Moon Dancer 

           By: Bruce Hackmann  poem stories

poemsbybruce Gifted Writer
3 years ago

Title: I Give to You

By: Bruce Hackmann 

 poem stories

poemsbybruce Gifted Writer
3 years ago

Title: Lay Down, Next to Me

By: Bruce Hackmann 

 poem stories

poemsbybruce Gifted Writer
3 years ago

Title: The Woman with the     
             Brown Diamond Eyes

By: Bruce Hackmann 
 eyes stories

poemsbybruce Gifted Writer
4 years ago

I have been off of commaful for awhile because my wife passed back on June 20th. 
Cancer won in her three year battle.
I have been a mess. No desire for creativity. 
In the past few weeks I have attempted to write again. 


poemsbybruce Gifted Writer
4 years ago

Title: Heartbeat 
By: Bruce Hackmann 

 love stories

poemsbybruce Gifted Writer
4 years ago

I have not been on commaful for awhile because my wife's cancer is winning the battle. She is now in the hospital. It's just a matter of time. 

I hope my heart can return to write again.

poemsbybruce Gifted Writer
5 years ago

Title: Forgiveness 

 poem stories

poemsbybruce Gifted Writer
5 years ago