I live lost in the world, hidden behind screens, trying to change. I try to make ripples, in this icy water. But my actions are muffled by the laughter of others. As the nobodies and somebodies of this big wide world, are pushed are shoved in a rocked, twisting world. I try to speak up, I try to speak out, but the words of others drown me out. I see others like me, trying to make sound, and some succeed, and lift off the ground. I will try and I'll try. And I will make it some day. I will change people's minds, and show them my way.
the stories of others, told in a light, that has not been seen by the high flying flights. The odd balls and people who stand down in the world, I read their stories that stand out in this world.
stories that make you think about things, a story of black and glorious crow wings. Of flight and high skying, of people who struggle, who bubble up with emotion, who are stuck in the bustle of everyday life, who want to get out, who are trying to survive.