Program 6 : A country where murder is not prohibited: most dangerous or safest place?
Program 6 : A country where murder is not prohibited: most dangerous or safest place? I heard about this country from miles away. A country where murder is not prohibited yet is said to be the safest ...
If ask this question again I would answer our friend… Technological advancement is inevitable. It is a part of our life. It is like us human, it grows.
Let’s reduce the scale. Imagine its not the entire world with too much choices made in one second. Imagine its like a play, where there are protagonist and antagonist. Both have set roles even before ...
What do you see the you come your eyes every night? Yourself in 10 years? Do you imagine yourself living a life you desire or something else? Everyone is said to have their own purpose, what they are...
A random thought crossed my head as I was lying in bed tonight. Will there be people interested in reading my random thoughts about “life” at 12 a.m. midnight… would there be someone on the same boat…...