As I walk these streets, the faces which I see are not me; For I am old. Passerbyers walk quickly through me...knocking the wind right out of me. Shuttling back and forth with absolute fortitude from ...
Dendrochronology. Bark splitting, hair turning different shades of gray. Hearts lying in a hand of no doubt. Every moon brought me back. You closed the gaps. Closeness was beneath me. The hours were B...
Silence moves, circles round. The noise in, noise bound. Take a bite out of suggestion. An easel's brush stroke designs of ever wavering. Blackened eye lids shutting down...lips of parting.
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For every tear that falls, a rose bush grows taller. for in that tear was you. brilliant minded as you were. humble in your requests. but I shan't be. I should scoop up each tear until I am tall enoug...
Beauty lies, and so it is underneath this skin where the eyes of winter green, and buttered chin are nursed of heaven's stain. This love lives on in the darkness and the light. In the coolness of the ...