continued from part 1 Roxanne pushes her aching body to sit against the prison wall and leans her head back to rest against it. A few quiet seconds go by before the brunette opens her mouth and begins...
Clark strains his wrists against the thick metallic cuffs. His muscles bulge in his pointless efforts to escape. Zod's face comes into his line of sight. He studies Clark's struggles before plainly st...
Roxanne wakes up laying on the cold floor of a cell. Rolling into an upright position, blood rushes to her head and incites a killer headache. She closes her eyelids quickly while taking a few calming...
Roxanne groans while stretching out her limbs. She obviously didn't sleep well because the woman still feels drained. She blames her lack of sleep entirely on the weird dream she had last night. A slo...
continued from part 1 The doctor rips herself out of Faora's firm grasp and punches Lois squarely in the face. Lois' head whips back from the impact and her body crumbles to the ground in agony.
Superman and Roxanne are immediately ushered outside with multiple soldiers as military escorts. Roxanne isn't sure if they were there for protection, or to make sure they didn't run away. Not caring ...
continued from part 1 Agent Townes is astounded, not only did this woman not reveal any new information but she single-handedly turned the conversation back to him in a matter of seconds.
Multiple men in suits and camo uniforms exit the SUVs surrounding her. No doubt they are armed, the doctor thinks to herself. Roxanne doesn't even have time to respond to Clark as she hangs up on him ...
Continued from part 1 Clark rereads the letter a few times before the information from it fully sinks in. He's shocked but eager to see another part of his planet.
Clark wakes up to the morning sun streaming through his window and obnoxiously shining on his face. He rolls over and faceplants into his pillow to shield his face. He groans because he forgot to shut...
Continued from part 1 Not wanting to explain anything else about that night in more detail she hands Clark the old journal. "This is what my therapist suggested I make to help process what happened to...
Clark walks into one of the few art museums in Metro City and gapes in awe at his surroundings. He spies kids on school field trips and what he assumes are regulars who admire and study the art. He ha...
The next day Roxanne relaxes in her favorite place to unwind to prepare herself for a long day of work. A local coffee shop. It is a quaint French-style cafe she found when she moved to Metropolis.
continued from part 1 "Kent, what is this really about? You're a good reporter and I can tell you actually care about the people behind the story, which not a lot of reporters can say.
Roxanne's red-bottomed heels clack against the concrete sidewalk as she struts towards the Daily Planet. She dressed for battle this morning and does not intend to lose. As she enters the skyscraper's...
Dr. Roxanne Shelby, notable archaeologist with a mysterious past, grabs Clark Kent's attention especially after seeing her strange scars. While Clark struggles with accepting his new role as a superhe...
Dr. Roxanne Shelby, a notable archaeologist with a mysterious past, grabs Clark Kent's attention especially after seeing her strange scars. While Clark struggles with accepting his new role as a super...